ETags with memcached
I love ETags, but there’s something that annoys me: most implementations revolve around pulling a record out of a data store and only “rendering” the response if it hasn’t been modified.
For example, here is the standard way to implement ETags in Rails:
def show
@article = Article.find(params[:id])
if stale?(:last_modified => @article.published_at.utc, :etag => @article)
render :json => @article
The problem with this approach is that request has already gone through most of your application stack–parsing params, authentication, authorization, a few database lookups–so ETags are only saving you render time and some bandwidth.
While working on a Sinatra-based JSON web service that gets very heavy traffic, I wanted to find a way to short-circuit requests and avoid most of the stack if a resource hasn’t been modified.
Creating the ETag
Since the application is a fairly RESTful web service, it was easy to make the decision that ETags should be tied to models, and invalidated when a record is updated.
I included this module into all of the models:
module Etag
def self.included(base)
base.after_update :etag!
# Fetch the current etag
def etag
value = $memcache[etag_key] || etag!
# Change the etag
def etag!
$memcache[etag_key] = ActiveSupport::SecureRandom.base64(16)
def etag_key
This gives us an #etag
method, which stores a random string in a memcache key that is a digest of the class name and id, and returns the key and value. Every time the #etag
method is called, it will return the same key and the value from memcached.
After the model is updated, the #etag!
method is called which stores a new random string in the memcached key.
Responding with the ETag
Now in the Sinatra application I just return the ETag for the model that is being rendered.
get '/games/:id' do
game =[:id])
etag game.etag
Checking the ETag
Subsequent requests will contain the ETag, so now it just needs verified using a rack middleware:
class EtagMiddleware < Rack::Auth::AbstractHandler
class Request < Rack::Auth::AbstractRequest
def cachable?
def etag
@etag ||= @env['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'] && @env['HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH'].gsub(/^"(.*)"$/, '\1')
def modified?
key, value = etag.to_s.split(':', 2)
$memcache[key] == value
def call(env)
request =
if request.cachable? && !request.modified?
[304, {'ETag' => request.etag, 'Cache-Control' => 'private'}, []]
I’m being tricky with the ETag and setting it to a key/value pair. So the middleware just has to look up the key in memcached and see if the value matches. If it does, we know the resource hasn’t changed and can render a 304. If the value doesn’t match, then the resource has been updated and we process the request as normal.
This approach worked really well for us. It is easy to implement on new resources, and unmodified requests only take a few milliseconds.