Training: Advanced Rails, jQuery, and more
Last week we launched Idea Foundry, the latest edition of our awesome training. We announced several great classes, including Advanced Rails and jQuery.
Advanced Rails

May 26–29 ● Holland, Michigan
So you drank the koolaid, learned [Ruby on Rails]( and built some awesome sites, now what? Join us for a survey of advanced topics that will take your Rails apps to the next level. Scaling, building and consuming web services, writing plugins, contributing to Rails and so much more. See the [Advanced Rails]( page for more info, and stay tuned for a sneak peek of the topics.

May 13–15 ● Holland, Michigan
We’re excited to have [Karl Swedberg](, author of [Learning jQuery]( and member of the jQuery project team, teaching a class on the ins-and-outs of jQuery. Karl’s an energetic teacher who knows jQuery better than almost anyone (he’s consistently one of the top posters on the jQuery mailing list). [More Info](
)Other Classes
We’re also offering new installments of our popular Ruby on Rails and ExpressionEngine classes.
- ExpressionEngine — May 19–22 in Holland, Michigan
- Ruby on Rails — June 9–12 in Holland, Michigan
And we have one more awesome class that we’ll be announcing any day now. Stay tuned.