A common criticism of RSpec is that it is very verbose. I don’t necessarily agree (or care), but I thought it would be fun to see how concise I could make my specs.
Here are some simple specs from a client project:
These specs check the declared associations on our company model using some custom matchers. They are not very complicated, but are somewhat repetitive. Each example has a description that is basically a duplication of the implementation.
Step 1: remove the description
For a while now, RSpec has had the ability for matchers to be self describing. If you don’t pass a block to #it, it uses the description provided by the matcher.
When that spec is run, it gives the output “should have a has_many association called :jobs”. Depending on what you’re speccing, the built in description isn’t always clear, but in this case it’s great.
See #simple_matcher if you want to create custom matchers with useful error messages.
Step 2: remove the subject
So the duplication within each example is gone, but if you look at the full spec above, each example calls @company.should. Accessing an instance variable isn’t what I would consider “duplication”, but thanks to a nifty new feature added to RSpec today, it’s now unnecessary noise. We can simply call #should within our example, and it will use a new instance of the described type as the “subject”.
You can customize the subject if you don’t simply want a new instance.
I am Brandon Keepers, and I work at GitHub on making Open Source more
approachable, effective, and ubiquitous. I tend to think like an engineer, work like an artist, dream like
an astronaut, love like a human, and sleep like a baby.