Ruby on Rails Training: August 25-28

July 3, 2008 1 min read

Collective Idea is hosting another Ruby on Rails training on August 25-28, 2008. Our training is a new take on training: it makes it actually enjoyable! If you’re new to the Ruby world, or just want to get deeper into Rails, check it out.

The last session was a blast. People flew in from Orange County, New York City and the Midwest. We had pizza and beer at the brewery, grilled on the beach, played frisbee and sand volleyball, and of course, learned Rails.

I’m really looking forward to this next one!

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avatar of Brandon Keepers I am Brandon Keepers, and I work at GitHub on making Open Source more approachable, effective, and ubiquitous. I tend to think like an engineer, work like an artist, dream like an astronaut, love like a human, and sleep like a baby.